How Do you know this cat is spayed?
Check out the ear-- This is called ear-tipping and it now is the universal way for shelters and rescue organizations to know that this stray has already been spayed so she will not need to be stressed out being re-trapped and put under anesthesia This works great for T-N-R
You now can tell what cats are done when you trap -neuter -and return them
TARA---- (The Animal Rights Alliance)
Mobile Spay/Neuter Clinic
Tara will spay/neuter, rabies shot, ear cleaning,and nail trimmed for $70.00.Your pet cat, the strays you have been feeding, even the litter of kittens you found living under your porch.
Newburgh Walmart every Monday
Walmart in Monroe every Tuesday
Petco in Middletown every Wednesday
You can even borrow the trap from them to catch the cat
Cats should have nine lives----not nine litters
The CATS living in the Town of Montgomery ,Walden,and Walkill are the Luckiest Cats in the area!
These towns are aware of the cat overpopulation in their area and willing to work with Will Spay Pets & T.A.R.A. to do their part of preventing birth of kittens that are born only to die.
If you live in one of these towns, you can go to your town hall and show proof that you are a resident, and pay $25.00 and get a voucher. Take this voucher to T.A.R.A and get any cat fixed. What puts these town ahead of the others, is that they are is willing to help their residents with this ongoing problem. Trap-Neuter-Release is a real solution to this problem
Thank you Town of Montgomery, Walden & Wallkill, Will Spay Pets And T.A.R.A. Keep up the great job your doing

Residents of Ulster County can have cats Spayed/Neutered at the Ulster County SPCA. The price of a Feral Cat in a trap is $20.00.
They also do pet cats for $65.00 this price does not include Rabies, distemper ear cleaning or nail trimmining
Call today for more info and to make your appt.
located at 845-331-5377
20 Wiedy Road, Kingston